(Video) How to Start a Mobile Clinic: First Steps to Success

Russ Evans
Russ Evans at AVAN Mobility

Starting a mobile clinic is a powerful way to bring healthcare directly to underserved populations. With over 2,000 mobile health clinics operating in the U.S., it’s clear that these clinics play a crucial role in breaking down barriers to healthcare. But how do you start a mobile clinic, and what steps are essential for success?

In this video, Russ Evans, a mobile healthcare advocate from AVAN Mobility, walks you through the fundamental steps of how to start a mobile clinic. Drawing on experience from helping numerous organizations launch their own mobile clinics, Russ addresses common concerns, such as securing funding and defining the right target population.

The process begins with defining your mission—identifying the specific health needs of the community and creating a clear mission statement. This will guide your clinic’s goals and help measure its impact. Next, a market analysis is crucial to understanding your target population, assessing competitors, and identifying gaps where your clinic can make the most difference.

The third step involves navigating the legal and regulatory requirements, including choosing the right legal structure (nonprofit or for-profit), obtaining necessary permits, and ensuring compliance with local and federal laws. Finally, developing a comprehensive business plan is key to outlining your mission, services, operations, and financial management, which will serve as the roadmap for your clinic’s success.

By following these four steps, you’ll be well on your way to starting a successful mobile clinic that meets the needs of your community. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out for assistance.

