3 Problems To Avoid When Buying a Van With Stretcher for Sale

Rear interior view of the P4 3-in-1 Van

Is your organization in the market for a van with stretcher for sale, but worried about making the right decision? It’s a big purchase, and getting it wrong can lead to costly repairs, wasted money, and even the risk of not providing the best stretcher transportation for those who need it. 

If you’re a healthcare provider, a business, or a non-profit, you want to avoid these headaches before they even happen. Buying the wrong vehicle could end up slowing down your stretcher transport services and make things more difficult for your staff.

At AVAN Mobility, we manufacture vehicles to remove barriers to healthcare and transportation for people all over the U.S. We’re focused on creating innovative solutions that save lives, just like the van with stretcher for sale that you’re considering. While there are other companies out there, we’re not here to just sell you on our product—we’re here to give you the information you need to make the best choice, no matter who you end up buying from.

In this article, you’ll learn about the top three problems to avoid when buying a van with a stretcher for sale so you can make sure your investment is worth every penny.


Avoid these 3 problems when looking for a van with stretcher for sale

By 2028, the NEMT market will nearly double in the U.S. When you’re looking for a stretcher van for sale, it always helps to have some guidance on what to avoid. Keep reading to learn about the three problems you should steer clear of. 


1. Ignoring the layout

One of the biggest mistakes people make when buying a van with stretcher for sale is not thinking about the layout inside. It’s easy to get distracted by the price or fancy features, but how everything is arranged inside is what really matters. 

You might be wondering, “Is this stretcher transport van going to work for my team?” That’s a great question. If the layout doesn’t make sense, patient transfers could be more difficult and slow down your stretcher transport services.

Imagine having a patient on the stretcher, but all your supplies are getting in the way. Your team has to squeeze by or reach over the patient just to grab something. 

This can lead to:

  • Staff burnout
  • Increased stress
  • Discomfort
  • A reduction in the quality of patient care


What should you think about with the layout?

A ramp that doesn’t block the entryway: You want a ramp that can be easily stowed away without blocking the door or taking up valuable space. When it’s not in use, you should still have full access to the van so your team can move around freely. A clear entryway makes loading and unloading much smoother for stretcher transportation.

Wall storage for supplies: It’s important to keep things neat and organized when providing stretcher transportation services. Wall-mounted storage can help keep medical supplies secure and out of the way. This stops clutter from building up on the floor or other surfaces, slowing your team down and making the van feel cramped. Everything neatly stored on the walls gives you more room to work and keeps things easy to find.

Configurable seats and wheelchair space: Some days, you may need more seating and other days, you might need more space for a wheelchair or other supplies. Configurable seats give you the flexibility to adjust the layout depending on the type of stretcher transport services you’re providing. This lets you keep the van organized regardless of your day.

A smart layout is important for smooth and stress-free stretcher transport. With the right setup, your team can focus on what matters most: caring for your patients.

Click the button below to talk to an expert and find out what layout would be best for your program and the patients you serve.





2. Not planning for the future

Another big mistake to avoid when buying a van with stretcher for sale is only thinking about your current needs. Right now, your organization might only be focusing on stretcher transportation services, so you’re looking for a van that just fits a stretcher. 

But what happens if your services expand to include wheelchair or ambulatory (walking) passengers? You could limit your future options if you don’t plan for that now.

It’s tempting to think, “I’ll handle that later,” but making changes down the road can be more costly and time-consuming. Thinking ahead can save you money and headaches in the long run.


What to think about for future flexibility

A van that does more than just stretcher transport: When you pick a van that’s versatile, you’re future-proofing your vehicle. You’ll get more out of your investment because the van can handle more than just stretcher passengers. One day you may need to transport wheelchairs or patients with walkers, and when you choose the right vehicle, your van will be ready for the job without needing major upgrades.

A smart investment for long-term growth: While the upfront cost might be a bit higher than a dedicated stretcher transport van, choosing a van that’s flexible will pay off later. As your services expand, you won’t need to buy a new vehicle or spend extra money on retrofitting. You’ll already have a vehicle that can handle your growing stretcher transportation services and beyond, making it a better long-term investment.

Planning for the future now assures that your van can grow with your organization. A little extra thought today means your services can expand tomorrow and well into the future.


3. Not paying enough attention to features



As you’re looking for a van with stretcher for sale, it’s tempting to skip out on some features to save money. But cutting corners can make your clients uncomfortable, and that could hurt your business. Comfort is important, especially for people on a stretcher and already feeling sick or stressed.

Simple features can make a big difference in keeping your clients happy and making your stretcher transport services more trusted. Let’s talk about some of the key features that can improve the experience for both your clients and your team.


What features should you think about?

Strong heating and air conditioning: Keeping the van at the right temperature is important. If it’s too hot or too cold, your clients will feel uncomfortable. A van with strong heat and air conditioning ensures your patients stay comfortable, regardless of the weather.

Big windows for natural light: Large windows let in sunlight and give your clients something to look at during the ride. This makes the trip feel less stuffy and more relaxing, especially for patients lying down for a long time.

Mobility aids: Even though you might mostly be moving people on stretchers, having handrails or support bars in the van can help others, like people who walk or use wheelchairs. These features make getting in and out easier and safer for everyone.

Anti-slip running boards: These are steps outside the van that add some grip and help people get in and out. A non-slip surface makes it much safer for drivers and staff, especially when it’s wet outside.

Backup camera: Reversing a van can be tricky, especially in tight urban spaces. A backup camera helps drivers see behind them and avoid accidents. This makes driving the van safer and easier, especially when transporting patients.

High ground clearance: A van with a higher clearance can handle rough roads better. It also means the bottom of the van won’t scrape on the ground, making it last longer and work better on different surfaces.

Remember these features when looking for a van with a stretcher for sale. They’ll make the ride safer and more comfortable for your clients. Plus, your stretcher transportation services will have a great reputation because people will notice how much you care about their comfort.


Find the perfect van with stretcher for sale


Wheelchair rolling out of wheelchair van.


You came to this article looking for guidance on buying a van with stretcher for sale and avoiding common pitfalls. After reading, you now know which problems to avoid, including:

  • Considering the layout
  • Future planning
  • Features can improve your services


At AVAN Mobility, we manufacture two stretcher transportation options and pride ourselves on creating solutions that genuinely make a difference. We’ve had the pleasure of working with organizations like CalOptima and the Community Clinic of Southwest Missouri, providing vehicles that enhance their services and support their missions. 

Our dedication to innovation and client care has established us as leaders in the industry. If you have any questions or need personalized advice, click the button below to talk to a mobility expert.

If you’re not quite ready to speak with a mobility expert, check out our other resources to learn more and find the best solutions for your needs.

Start with reading our article on the P4 3-in-1 Van. If you’re looking for a versatile vehicle that will grow with your organization, this may be the stretcher transport solution you’re looking for. 

If your organization is more geared toward non-emergency medical transportation, our article about the Mobile Response Van will be helpful. 

Picture of Quinn Springett

Quinn Springett



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