What 6 Factors Should You Consider When Customizing a Mobile Medical Clinic?

There are several factors to consider when customizing a mobile medical clinic to provide the best mobile healthcare. Read this article to learn more.
Mobile Medical Clinic Van

Has your organization finally decided to invest money into providing mobile healthcare to people around the U.S.? If so, you might be wondering about what factors you should be considering when customizing a mobile medical clinic. Not thinking about some of the things we discuss in this article can lead to consequences that affect your patients, your finances, your healthcare workers, and your entire mobile clinic program.

Mobile medical clinic customization should be exciting, not stressful. At AVAN Mobility, we’ve been customizing mobile medical vehicles for over 10 years. Our team of skilled engineers thoroughly enjoys any challenge, and we like to think that no challenge is too much.

As you read this article, we hope that your stress levels begin to dissipate gradually. You’ll learn about some of the most important factors to consider when customizing a mobile clinic, and we hope that it will be advantageous for your organization as you move forward.



Factors to consider when customizing a mobile medical clinic

As you’re getting into the beginning stages of customizing a mobile medical clinic, you should start thinking about the important factors that we’ll discuss in this section.


1. Purpose of the mobile medical clinic

Before you start customizing a mobile medical clinic, the first thing you need to consider is its purpose. 

  • Is it for regular check-ups? 
  • Are you going to be using it for vaccinations?


Who’s it for? After that, you need to decide who you want to help around the U.S. For example, one of our recent clients in Joplin, Missouri, focuses on providing mobile healthcare for those without health insurance.

As you’re looking into the purpose of your mobile medical clinic, some other things you need to think about are:

The people: Learn about the people in the target area you’ll be focusing on. 

  • How old are they? 
  • What health problems do they face? 
  • What areas of the U.S. do they live in?


Accessibility: Make sure the clinic is in an area where people can easily access it. This is important for folks who might not have other options nearby.

Respect differences: Think about different cultures. Make sure your clinic works for everyone. Respect different languages and traditions. For example, nearly 4 million residents in Florida speak Spanish. If that’s the area you’re going to set up in, consider having bilingual staff who understand different customs, so everyone feels welcome.


2. Road conditions and safety

The roads are the second big thing to consider when customizing a mobile medical clinic. In parts of the U.S. like Minnesota, Vermont, or even upstate New York, where snowy days are common, this is a big deal.

The roads can get pretty dangerous and tricky to navigate in the winter. This makes it tough for a regular mobile clinic to get around safely. Fortunately, there’s a solution for that. Keep reading to learn all about it.

Trail Edition Upgrade: The Trail Edition Upgrade from AVAN Mobility is ideal for communities tackling tough terrains. With features like an off-road extreme-use suspension package, heavy-duty suspension lift kit, and underbody steel protection, this upgrade ensures your van’s durability on and off the beaten path. 


Trail Edition Upgrade Kit
Patent pending


From conquering snowy roads with 10-ply wheels to safeguarding against wildlife encounters with a front grille guard, the Trail Edition Upgrade prioritizes reliability and safety.


3. Location

The third factor to consider when customizing a mobile medical clinic is where in the U.S. you’ll be taking it. Are you going to serve people in the quiet countryside, far from the city buzz, or are you setting up shop right in the heart of a bustling city? It makes a big difference and it can impact what you customize your clinic with.

Why does location matter?

Rural vs. urban needs: Rural areas typically have less access to healthcare, so your clinic needs to be self-sufficient. On the flip side, in the city, you’ll need to navigate busy streets and find parking, so a more compact design could serve you better than something like a cumbersome RV.

Transport challenges: Rough roads might be the norm in remote areas of the U.S., so your clinic needs to handle bumps and potholes. In the city, you’ll need to be able to weave through traffic smoothly.

Population density: Consider how many people live around the area you’re going to provide mobile healthcare in. In the city, it’s a lot, so you’ll need an optimized clinic that can serve many folks efficiently. In rural areas, where there are fewer people, maybe a more personalized setup will work better for you.


4. Vaccine transport and refrigeration


Vaccinations inside a mobile clinic van.


The fourth aspect to ponder when customizing a mobile medical clinic is whether you’ll be handling vaccines. If the answer is yes, including a refrigerator as part of your customization becomes a necessary feature.

Why do vaccines need refrigeration?

Preserving potency: Vaccines act as formidable defenders against diseases, but maintaining their potency requires a cool environment. The inclusion of a refrigerator in the mobile clinic serves this purpose.

Temperature precision: Vaccines have a preferred temperature range – not too hot and certainly not too cold. The onboard fridge in your mobile medical clinic ensures precise temperature control, safeguarding the effectiveness of the vaccines.

Preventing degradation: Similar to food spoilage in the absence of a fridge, vaccines can lose their efficacy if exposed to warm temperatures. The refrigerator serves as their protective haven, ensuring they remain potent and ready for deployment.


5. Testing and equipment customization

Let’s dive into the next important thing to think about when setting up your mobile medical clinic: testing and equipment. If you plan to do tests on the go—let’s say X-rays for checking out broken bones—then getting the right equipment on board is key.

Depending on what type of tests you do in your mobile clinic, your equipment customization will reflect that. For example, if you want to help patients who potentially have broken bones, you’ll need an X-ray machine to test them for that. If patients come into your clinic with blood pressure concerns, you’ll need blood pressure monitors. 


6. Finances

Lastly, you need to consider the financial side of customizing your mobile medical clinic. Beyond the excitement of upgrades, it’s important to handle the budget with care for smooth operations. This means planning for customization expenses and also making sure you’ve got funds for day-to-day necessities like fuel, staff salaries, and other operational costs.

Every dollar you spend on upgrades should be used to make your clinic more efficient and address specific healthcare needs. Smart budgeting isn’t just about today; it’s about making sure your clinic stays strong well into the future. It’s the fuel that keeps your wheels turning and the funds that keep healthcare accessible.

Don’t stress out if your budget starts to feel a bit tight as you’re customizing your mobile clinic. There are often opportunities to secure funding. Think grants, sponsorships, or partnerships. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need additional funds, check out our article on the top 6 ways to apply for mobile health grants






Your road ahead with AVAN Mobility

After learning about these 6 factors to think about when customizing your mobile medical clinic, you might be wondering what to do next. 

Since costs are so important, we think you’ll like our article on the cost of a mobile medical clinic.

If you’d prefer to learn about the costs of a mobile medical clinic in video format instead, check out the video on that!

We also think you’ll enjoy our article on warranty coverage for these vehicles. Take a read through our guide on that. 

Picture of Quinn Springett

Quinn Springett



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